My Bestest Friends

My Bestest Friends

Friday, July 31, 2009

Geo project

Hi people sorry for not blogging for awhile i have to do my Geo project or else Pn.Sharon will totally kill me so I hope my printer got ink 2 print...OMG...I have to go buy ink...SHIT! OK i gtg luv ya!!!
yours truly,

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Belated Teacher's Day

hi, again i'm gonna be writing abt something that already happened like a LONG time ago but I don't realy care cus a least you guys have something to read and I have something to blog about...EVERY1'S HAPPY!!!!(or are you!?)
ok there was a TEACHER'S DAY like a couple of months ago at my OLD school and me,
Amanda, Wai Lynn and other people came but not that much cus the form 2 had exam TT^TT here's some pics!!!

Lookie the Teacher's are singing!!!!oh ya if you can hear a voice in the background its my twin sister its not me k!? even though she sounds just like me!TWIN SISTER!!

ok for some reason the other images cannot be put in so i'll just put it in another time sry bye! bye!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Picnic of DOOM!!!

Hiya all I know this is a late post but I just wanna tell you guys about a month ago Amanda,Mae Yen, Jamie, Wai Lynn and I(PieBandit) went for a picnic(oh wait dun 4get Jo Hong sry ^///^) ok so they were suposed 2 be more ppl but well they had some reason 4 not coming(to lazy to tell wad :P) Anyway, we had it at Lake Gardens (choir singing) Its an AWESOME place so many things to jump, climb, swing etc. etc.(but had alot of ants! its like the attack of the ANTS) Oh and there were 7 couples we saw on that day taking pictures *awwww*
Here are some pics! Hope ya like it ^-^

O.o Mae Yen how could you O.o

Me and Amanda ^-^

Dunno why she decided to do dat face sry 4 uploading it Mandy(bows)

Wohooo...Rock On Mae Yen....

look its every1 posing!I am the retard holding the cake.Wah!Jamie model weh...oh you can see Jo Hong hiding at the back!(he's the only boy) *sad*lookie at Wai-chan

Look at her advertising that manga...wah...*stares widely*

Here's the playground we played at...what!? we're still kids too aren't we and it was soo..FUN!! wohoo....

Look its our feet!!!Ain't it great!!! you are worthy of seing our feet...BE GRATEFUL!

YAY!!! group photo! too bad Jo Hong had to go home...probaly because he's scared of being ALONE with 5 girls!!!I know I would be scared alone with BOYS!!!

Oh ya when we went back cus tired we saw people dressed in Green 4 this Kristian thing...

I know I took the picture but I actually did not know what so interesting about that bottle =.=

k thats all hope u like reading this post coment k!? BYE!! oh ya I 4got...BEWARE!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Hiya People of da world...maybe just half of it...quarter of it?...ok FINE the people I only know.I just started my very first blog!!!!=.= OKAY!!! its my 5th happy?!
So I hope u like it cause..well...umm...I WANT YOU TO!!!so i can rule the WORLD!!!!!

About Me

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I respect those who respect me and forget those who forget me. Simple as that.