My Bestest Friends

My Bestest Friends

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Belated Teacher's Day

hi, again i'm gonna be writing abt something that already happened like a LONG time ago but I don't realy care cus a least you guys have something to read and I have something to blog about...EVERY1'S HAPPY!!!!(or are you!?)
ok there was a TEACHER'S DAY like a couple of months ago at my OLD school and me,
Amanda, Wai Lynn and other people came but not that much cus the form 2 had exam TT^TT here's some pics!!!

Lookie the Teacher's are singing!!!!oh ya if you can hear a voice in the background its my twin sister its not me k!? even though she sounds just like me!TWIN SISTER!!

ok for some reason the other images cannot be put in so i'll just put it in another time sry bye! bye!

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I respect those who respect me and forget those who forget me. Simple as that.