My Bestest Friends

My Bestest Friends

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


HELLO MY ZEBRAS! as you can read the title i am back!

oh please stop! i'm blushing! ^///^
okay! back to business! a short recap of the 2 years that flew by...

I started performing again,

met the love of my life!

met new people that became very important in my life =)

Hanged out with the gingers =3

Joined cheer :P



Became lesbian xD

met celebrities ^^

became closer to my sister! i don't want her dead anymore :D

turned into something edible :P

Jen got a boyfriend

aaand... another boyfriend

Had my Sadenggu and got splashed on my freezing cold water :S

and i found a new BFF! more than that! a friend that gets me and loves me for my stupidity and randomness xD a friend that became so close that most people thought we were lesbians for each other (could be). MY LESDO WIFE YOHANNA YUSRINAL! =D

and of course there were relationships and fights. Heavy falling, insecure feelings and broken hearts but hey! no one said high school was easy :P
so i'll see you guys next time with more news from the story we call my life xD

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Taylor Who?

Hello peeps just want to introduce ya'll to BOO BOO STEWART....a.k.a guy who's gonna play Seth Clearwater in ECLIPSE!!! so whats so awesome about him? check for yourself...

OH GAWD!!! is it hot in here? *fans self* and he's only 16!!!!!
you guys can keep Taylor, THIS ONE'S MINE!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cannot Wait

Yo Peeps!!!!Wasabi just wanna say that tomorrow is my class outing its gonna be so FUN!!! I mean we're going to play bowling, arcade and many more!!! oh ya we might even watch TWILIGHT-NEW MOON!!!!! Jacob wait for me....its coming out tomorrow as well I'm so exited so if ya want to see how it went come to meh bloggie tomorrow and I'm going to spoil the movie for you by telling what happened and my opinion so if you haven't seen it yet don't look at my blog tomorrow XD

Ain't he just the "HOTTEST"

Whoooo....Look at those abs ~fans self~ *faints*

Unlike HIM not hot to me I want me a Werewolf

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Contest

OMG I think I had to be the most worst singer ever I mean seriously I choked at the end of my song! you hear that CHOKED!!!but it wasn't that bad wasn't it... oh MAN I SUCKED!!!! BTW I was sooo...much better the day before :(

Oh well lets not talk about my miserable performance even though its hard to the rest of the day was nice good performances except
of course Wai Xian's group which didn't totally sucked I mean you just missed the end so wad?! at least you didn't CHOKE!

OMFG I'm seriously freaking out here!!!! but its ok because everyone in school is gonna make fun of me haha...well look on the bright side Miss Ellie ROCKED the stage yesterday in her singing she can really sing for a teacher she should be a pro singer....oh well I gtg I don't want to miss an hour of being made FUN at XD!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy B'Day Xinzheng!!!!

Hey sorry for the late post because i was really lazy to post it up yesterday so i will just wish ya a HAPPY Belated Birthday!!!! Today is all yours friend luv ya to death and hope that you get well real soon so I ca give ya your present it it really nice i think....maybe...i dunno you'll have to see it yourself XD Anyway today went for audition teacher said I was gud but no confidence...NO CONFIDENCE!!!but thank god she gave all of us a second chance today *prays* I hope i make it next round la! really badly cus well I wanna at least get top 5 XD OMG I'm need to get ready ~shit~ k I gtg again wanna wish Xinzheng a Happy Birthday!!!YOU ROCK!!! All's well hope you have a wonderful b'day have fun!!! bye~~~

The Best of Friends Forever!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Party

Aloha people you know what was so funny?! when i called Xinzheng the day before yesterday, i wanted to be emo and say this in a dramatic way " hello Xinzheng" but before i could she went and said "oink oink oink oink oink" like a pig and i burst out laughing THANK YOU XINZHENG *says sarcastically*

Anyway its not why i wrote this post its because I wanted to tell ya about the FUN time I had in Xi John's party the best part was when me and Qian Yi was the only girls there and then so i just hanged out wit Nickolas but then he went back so that was just sad so instead of wasting my awesome time typing that much I'm just gonna show y'all what happened ....

when came in first thing see Qian Yi and Nick then after eat play blackjack

Qian Yi trying to hide

but failed...

Nick posing

after being really bored went out to his humongous pond

hey i was bored ok


Qian Yi ready to go

me and my darling

Nick trying to run away from the camera you, can never run away from the camera, the camera runs away from YOU

Xi John's really big dogs

K that's all for now will post some other lame thing later so tata!

About Me

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I respect those who respect me and forget those who forget me. Simple as that.